Petroleum Jelly (PJ) Practically every home has got a jar of Vaseline or some reasonable generic substitute. The moisturizing and protective qualities of PJ will help keep you eyelashes flexible and protected so they will be able to grow to their fullest potential. Before applying, remove any eye make-up you have on. Gently apply the PJ with a new/clean mascara brush. It is recommended that the PJ stays on overnight while you sleep. Remove the PJ in the morning prior to putting on you day face. It is recommended that you repeat this regimen, at least 3 times per week. Green Tea (GT) This natural home remedy comes from Natural Home Remedies and they recommend using cooled and unsweetened green tea to your eyelashes using a cotton-ball. Green tea is rich in epigallocatechin-3-gallate. (try saying that 3 times fast)….this is a flavonoid that is a rich antioxidant is known to have many healthy benefits; Flavonoids are plant-based compounds with powerful antioxid...
Beauty tips for acne,blemishes, skin whitening, dark circles, hair fall controls and sun tan using natural home remedies presented to you DIY